Thursday, October 1, 2009

Costa Rica

Population - 4,075,261

Education- Divided in siw years grades and kindergarden. It covers all the basic knowledge in Mathematics,Social Studies,Language(Spanish),Science,and English as well as major topics as music religion(Christianism),and physical education.

Dress- Costa Rica clothing is not that diffrent from garments in other South America clothing and Central America clothing.

Friday, September 11, 2009

9\11 Facts

Miami Herald

  1. Over three thousand people died
  2. The suspects could face execution if they are convicted of conspiracy in the mass murder of 2,973 people on Sept. 11, 2001. They allegedly plotted, financed and helped the 19 hijackers reach U.S. soil -- and have collectively submitted a written admission to the court that says they welcome martyrdom
  3. Prosecutor Robert Swann, a retired Army colonel, argued that no hearing should go forward without all five alleged co-conspirators present
  4. But Mohammed and Ramzi bin al Shibh refused to budge from their cells despite testimony that they might be punished by removal of the laptops the Pentagon prosecutor gave them to prepare for trial.
  5. Accused 9/ll mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed boycotted a pretrial hearing Thursday, frustrating prosecutors and denying kin of victims a chance to see the al Qaeda kingpin in the flesh.

New York Times

  1. The selfless spirit that helped mend a stricken nation eight years ago was renewed. Volunteers marked 9/11 Friday by tilling gardens, writing letters to soldiers, setting out flags -- and, at ground zero, by joining the somber ritual of reading the names of the lost.
  2. In the hours after the attack and for weeks afterward, volunteers responded to New York City's needs, sending emergency workers to help with the recovery, cards to victims' families, and boxes of supplies.
  3. ''We honor all those who gave their lives so that others might live, and all the survivors who battled burns and wounds and helped each other rebuild their lives,
  4. ''It's a small inconvenience,'' she said of the weather. ''My son is the one who ran into a burning building.''
  5. Even in those early surreal hours after the attacks when images of towers falling and long-bearded men in caves flooded the television screen

Washington Post

Thursday, August 27, 2009


1.Who began the UN?
The UN coined by the United States president John F Kennedy. It was first used in the declaration of the united Nations.
2.Why was it begun?
To prevent the countries of the world to have another World War
3.Who actually began the UN?
What is their agenda?
To stop the world fronm fighting
What is there vision ?
There vision is to position of the mission for the the community of the Nations of the World
What is there mission?
To promote the interest and National Values of the Country

Reference 1


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Swine Flu

The swine flu is a influenza virus, first found in people in the United States in April 2009. Other countries have reported of sickness called the Swine Flu. This flu spread and spread in the same way viruses spread. It was very contagious . It spread into schools and some schools were shut down. Some people even wore mask to prevent them from getting the terrible flu that was spreading in Mexico, Canada, and the U.S.A.
· Children ages 6 months through 19 years old(the younger the children the higher the risk is
· Pregnant women
· People 50 years of age and older
· People any age with a disease as heart ,or, lung disease, asthma, COPD , emphysema, diabetes, or weak immune system

People are concerned because the swine flu is a danger to people and everyone wants to be safe. It is contagious and anyone can catch it and if it gets to serious death might happen.

· To stop the spread of the swine flu don’t cough on other people when you’re sick sneeze cover
· .Try not to eat or drink of people with the sickness
· When you sneeze cover your mouth with your sleeve
· Wash your hands with soap for 30 seconds in warm water
· Stay away from sick people
· If you are in a place with a lot of sick people where a mask
· Get vaccinated

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